Accordeonova Premier of Cathedrals of Nebulae and Ocean Worlds
4:00 PM16:00

Accordeonova Premier of Cathedrals of Nebulae and Ocean Worlds

The accordion orchestra premier by Danish accordion orchestra, Accordeonova, of my piece 'Cathedrals of Nebulae and Ocean Worlds’.

Om Accordionova:

I 1961 dannede den danske accordeonist og pædagog Peter Anders et orkester bestående af de bedste accordeonspillere i Danmark. I årene efter udviklede dette orkester sig til at være et internationalt anerkendt orkester under navnet Sjællands Accordeon Orkester. De turnerede i det meste af Europa, Canada og USA ved koncerter og store konkurrencer, hvor orkesteret vandt mange prestigefyldte placeringer. Orkesteret gik ofte forrest i forsøget på at skabe ny musik og har inspireret mange komponister til at skrive og tilegne musik til orkesteret, bl.a. Jindrich Feld, Leif Kayser og Jesper Koch. I 1990’erne bestod orkesteret af en hel ny generation af spillere og ændrede navn til det nuværende, Accordeonova. Efter en periode med en mindre besætning, fik orkesteret en opblomstring således at det i 2016 havde niveau og mandskab til at stille op i den internationale konkurrence World Music Festival i Innsbruck, som betragtes som verdensmesterskabet for accordeonorkestre. Siden er orkesteret blevet ledet af dirigent Jørgen Franyó, som ved samme konkurrence i 2019 førte orkesteret til sejr i kategorien Oberstufe.

Repertoiret til vores koncerter består af musik (transkriptioner og originalmusik) i mange genre fx Bach, Tchaikovsky, Carl Nielsen, Ouverture, folkloristisk inspirerede værker samt helt nyskrevet musik af Marianna Filippi.

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Nordic Accordion Symposium
5:00 PM17:00

Nordic Accordion Symposium

  • The Royal Danish Academy of Music (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CONCERT! MARCH 1st, 5pm at the Royal Danish Academy of Music:

I'm highly looking forward to the premier of my new piece for accordion quintet/accordion orchestra, 'Cathedrals of Nebulae and Ocean Worlds', written for Prof. Geir Draugsvoll 's Nordic Accordion Symposium, which will be performed by 25 accordion students from each of the Nordic countries and the Baltics!

It's going to be quite a thrilling experience, and pretty much the only opportunity to hear the power of 25 accordionists playing together at the same time!

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Debut of Accordionist Ditte Lykke Hansen
3:45 PM15:45

Debut of Accordionist Ditte Lykke Hansen

  • The Royal Danish Academy of Music (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

My dear friend Ditte is having her exam on December 8th! Ditte , accompanied by accordionists Amalie Ravnsbæk and Romena Lengvinaitė, will perform all three movements of my accordion trio “Abyssal Beings” I composed for them, coupled with projected images of the deep-sea creatures each movement musically illustrates! I’m looking forward !

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5:00 PM17:00


A special Wednesday concert featuring five of my compositions for mixed acoustic ensembles, including one premier!

Each of piece has a narrative, usually inspired by an anomalous concept; for instance, my string quartet “Jeweled Wings” was inspired the image of light flickering on the glistening green wings of a jewel beetle!

Looking forward to seeing you there!


"Ancient Spirits"

Liam Campbell Kongsbak Larsen, flute Carmen Bajo, flute
Toby Rasmussen, percussion

"Syzygy" (2018)

Dina Elena Draugsvol, piano Freja Julie Rasch Eskildsen, violin Léa Sol, cello

“SnowFeather “ (2017)

Carmen Bajo, flute Karla Sorčić, accordion

"Earth, Isn’t This What you Wanted". (2018)

Yinuo Wang, Soprano
Liam Campbell Kongsbak Larsen, flute Will Crock, 1st violin
Andrias Blaasvær, 2nd violin
Caroline Gammeltoft-Hansen, viola Jan Kozanecki, cello

"Jeweled wings" (2018)

Will Crock, 1st violin
Andrias Blaasvær, 2nd violin Caroline Gammeltoft-Hansen, viola Jan Kozanecki, cello

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Debut of Johanna Nylund, Award-winning Soprano
7:30 PM19:30

Debut of Johanna Nylund, Award-winning Soprano

  • Konservatoriets koncertsal (Radiohuset) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The brilliant award-winning Virtuoso Soprano, Johanna Maria Nylund , is premiering my new piece “Hope Is…” , which I have composed especially for her, in collaboration with her fondness of Emily Dickinson’s timeless poem, “Hope is the Thing with Feathers”!

I am beyond honored that she will bring this piece to life along with a highly talented ensemble of two flutes and string quartet!

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KIMI Ensemble at Mechanics Hall
4:00 PM16:00

KIMI Ensemble at Mechanics Hall

KIMI is a Copenhagen based trio with KaterinaAnagnostidou (percussion), Jónas Ásgeirsson (accordion) and Þórgunnur Anna Örnólfsdóttir (voice). KIMI performs new music written for their exciting and unique instrumentation, as well as composing folk-inspired original works, mostly based on melodies from their native countries Iceland and Greece. They have collaborated with numerous composers from across the world, including Marianna Filippi (USA), Nick Martin (UK), Christos Farmakis (GR) and Hugi Guðmundsson (IS).

KIMI will be bringing their new program to Maine this July. Their first concert will be at the Camden Opera House on the 8th of July, followed by a performance at Mechanic's Hall in Portland on the 10th of July. The program they will perform is an exciting selection of original works written for their unique instrumentation.

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KIMI Ensemble at the Camden Opera House
8:00 PM20:00

KIMI Ensemble at the Camden Opera House

KIMI is a Copenhagen based trio with KaterinaAnagnostidou (percussion), Jónas Ásgeirsson (accordion) and Þórgunnur Anna Örnólfsdóttir (voice). KIMI performs new music written for their exciting and unique instrumentation, as well as composing folk-inspired original works, mostly based on melodies from their native countries Iceland and Greece. They have collaborated with numerous composers from across the world, including Marianna Filippi (USA), Nick Martin (UK), Christos Farmakis (GR) and Hugi Guðmundsson (IS).

KIMI will be bringing their new program to Maine this July. Their first concert will be at the Camden Opera House on the 8th of July, followed by a performance at Mechanic's Hall in Portland on the 10th of July. The program they will perform is an exciting selection of original works written for their unique instrumentation.

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